
Friday, 22 October 2021

Bad hazids

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The dark flaming clouds, burns as it swirls around the plane, well lightning struck the engines, causeing a explosion with black smoke comeing out, and the engines roaring down to the ground, and the boy terrified doesn't know what's going to happen next, he's saw gliders come out the plane on the the boy runs in the opposite direction

and the bad hazard follows. TBC

Play, Make, Create - Week 1, T4

yes we for play, make, create we read a book called I am peace it was a book about emotions. for our way to ask you have to write three paragraphs.

Alone, on a small boat without an anchor, I felt like I was riding a wave of sadness and despair All alone no one for miles and it empties your soul it make you feel horrible because the things you did in the past until you find that anchor and then it will be ok but until you find it, it won't be ok here a trick if no one is here to help you you can brush it off by time and pik your up, rebuild yourself and keep going and do not give up